Nishi Jain

Chief Finance Officer
Dartmouth College
Nishi is a recent graduate of Dartmouth College, and now works in healthcare investment banking. At Dartmouth, Nishi explored her interests in life sciences and business, double majoring in biomedical engineering and quantitative social sciences, and serving as editor in chief of the undergraduate science journal, co-founding a consulting group for STEM startups, co-founding an intercollegiate science journal, and conducting research in medical devices, the economics of vaccine incentives, and HPV vaccine hesitancy. During a gap year, Nishi became passionate about pharmaceutical research as she worked on the now-approved breast cancer medication Tucatinib while at Seattle Genetics. Despite the emphasis on pharmaceuticals and business, Nishi is deeply passionate about movement and exercise (currently running and pilates!) as a medium for stress relief and burnout prevention and joined Medicine in Motion to bring awareness to these issues.