South Shore University Hospital at Northwell Health

Chapter Leads

Samer Abu Dayeh

Hello! My name is Samer, I'm a PGY1 at South Shore University Hospital Emergency Department. Born and raised in Jordan but spent most of my life moving countries for studies, work, family, etc. Grew a habit of hiking and exploring every new place I visit. I was never good at any single sport but always enjoyed it regardless. During residency it can be very easy to neglect the occasional workout or walk due to the often overwhelming nature/demands of our life. Looking forward to starting this new chapter in our community to help motivate everyone (myself included!) stay active and healthy!

Thomas George, DO

My name is Thomas George and I am a current first year emergency medicine residine at South Shore University Hospital. I'm from Pacific Grove, California where I grew up playing tennis and soccer. Residency is a difficult time to stay active, but I hope this chapter helps promote some healthy habits among my peers. I look forward to exploring more of Long Island and spending time with my colleagues.