Harvard Medical School
Monthly lifting clinics with personalized training. Contact president niyi_odewade@hms.harvard.edu
Fit4Life (Harvard Medical School)
Fit4Life is an HMS/HSDM student organization focused on increasing wellness and inclusive community engagement through educational and charitable events.
Educational events include lifting clinics and nutritional lectures. Charitable events include 5ks, spartan races, triathlons, and tough mudders. If you have questions about events or would like to contact Fit4Life please email niyi_odewade@hms.harvard.edu
•Website to register: https://app.racereach.com/event/tdd-5k/register
•Team name: Kelley Kangaroos
•Password: Kellyhouse
Virtual Fitness Challenge with Harvard Medical School
Medicine in Motion is collaborating with the Harvard Graduate Council for a July Fitness Challenge. This event is part of our MOVE Campaign to promote wellness and raise funds and awareness for racial equity.
Click HERE to RSVP and click HERE to donate!
See below for instructions to run this BLM route or an F1-shaped route in Boston!Our Fitness Challenge is running from July 18-26.
How to participate:
- Participate in an exercise of your choice (run, bike, walk, work out in your home, etc.)
- Take a photo of yourself doing the exercise (or a screenshot of a Strava or MapMyRun route if you run/bike/walk), and post it with the hashtags #OneHarvard & #NewBalance and tag @MedMotion. If you are affiliated with MGH, please tag @mgh_cfpwb and, if on Twitter, @MassGeneralMDs.
If you are in Boston and would like to run a course in Cambridge/Somerville in the shape of BLM (shown above) to show support for the Black community, see the instructions below:
To run the BLM course with Google Maps: use this link HERE.
Note: Recognizing that the recent weeks have been challenging for international students, we also have a course in Cambridge in the shape of F1 to show support for international students.
Using the app MapMyRun, you can run the BLM (3.3 miles) and F1 (2.3 miles) routes. (Smartwatch users: download gpx or klm files from the links!)
- Download MapMyRun, create an account.
- Click on one of the links above (BLM or F1) to open the desired route in your browser. Click Bookmark to save the route and log in with the same account you created for the MapMyRun app.
- You can find the route on the MapMyRun app by clicking the 3 dots in the bottom right, then Routes, then Bookmarked Routes.
- When you get to the starting point, click Do It (top right), then Start Workout. It will track your route!
At the end of the Virtual Fitness Global Campaign week (date TBD, will be last week of July), the organizers will offer a Virtual Cool-Down Conversation with conversations about health and well-being during these unprecedented times, with a focus on discussing how to provide more support to communities that have been disproportionately affected. This discussion also fits into how July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.
While donations are not required to participate, we’d appreciate if you would support our organizations!
Virtual Tri Across the USA (Harvard Medical School)
Progress as of 10.30 @2pm 1. Medicine in Motion – Mass General Harvard (27 registered): 1145 miles. 2. Medicine in Motion – BI/BWH/Children’s Harvard (33 registered): 876 miles 3. Medicine in Motion – Global (18 registered): 311 miles.
If you enjoy swimming, biking, running/walking, or meeting others in the medical field, please join Medicine in Motion by registering through USA Triathlon below, FOR FREE, now through Nov 29th, to virtually swim, bike, and/or run as much or as little as you like, at your leisure, across the country with other healthcare professionals at your hospital, school, or city. Students, residents, physicians, nurses, OT, PT, and all allied healthcare workers, family/friends are welcome! Each team (no team size limit) will complete 7 miles of swimming, 2400 miles of biking, and 905 miles of running over 6 weeks. More information about the Tri here.
Our goal with this virtual triathlon, and at Medicine in Motion in general, is to reduce burnout in the medical field by building community through fitness and philanthropy.
Fitness: Get out there! Philanthropy: This event is free, but if you are able, we encourage a (tax-deductible) donation to support our causes: this year with a focus on racial and social justice Community: To maximize community building, we encourage you to swim, bike, or run in a socially/COVID responsible manner with other Medicine in Motion triathloners.
INSTRUCTIONS:1. Fill out the google doc 2. Log in to USAT and make an account 3. Join your team a) Medicine in Motion – Global (all chapters except Harvard) b) Medicine in Motion – BI/BWH/Children’s Harvard (+ortho) c) Medicine in Motion – Mass General Harvard (+derm) Note: HMS students, feel free to join whichever Harvard team you prefer. 4. Start swimming, biking, and/or running!
FAQS:Q: How do I track my miles? A: You can automatically upload if you have an Apple watch, Fitbit, Garmin Suunto, etc. Many free apps (including Strava, Mapmyfitness, RunKeeper, and more) also automatically sync. Finally, you can manually upload your mileage.
Q: Do I have to complete the mileage I committed to each week? Or can I frontload my mileage? A: No & yes. You can complete as many, or as few miles as you like, across however many weeks you like.
Q: Can my friend join? A: Yes! We encourage any students, residents, physicians, nurses, OT, PT, and all allied healthcare workers, as well as family/friends to join. They should still fill out the google doc (https://bit.ly/3nA1OQk) and register directly as above.
Q: How can I donate to Medicine in Motion? A: Website: https://medicinemotionhome.wpcomstaging.com/donate/ (tax deductible) Check: to Medicine in Motion, 1 Emerson Pl, Apt 17N, Boston, MA 02114 (tax deductible) Venmo: @medmotion (not tax deductible)
Q: How can I contact my new teammates to train together or encourage one another A: Email addresses are accessible by teammates
Teams are encouraged to reach out and train together!
We’re looking forward to “racing” with you! Warmly, Medicine in Motion Leadership Team
Chapter Leads
Abigail Baldwin

Amanda Cao

Arielle Isaacson

Aseal Birir

Dylan Cahill

Henry Ashworth

Koya Osada

Mihir Dekhne

Niyi Odewade

Sam Lyon