Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Chapter Leads

Aoife Schanche

Aoife is a second year medical student at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. She graduated from Gettysburg College in 2018 with a degree in Health Sciences. There she played on the varsity women’s soccer team, and also completed research on the endovascular effects of cocoa. During her gap year, she worked as a Nursing Assistant in the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit at Morristown Medical Center. Aoife has played sports for her entire life including soccer, swimming, track, and tennis. Since graduating Gettysburg College, she has continued her love of sports through tennis, running, and golf. Aoife feels strongly about the connection between mental health and physical health and is thrilled to be a part of Medicine in Motion.

Eoin Butler

Eoin is a second-year graduate entry medical student at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. He previously studied and researched in particle physics at the National University of Ireland, at CERN in Switzerland, and at Imperial College London. He has a particular interest in emergency medicine and sports and exercise medicine. Eoin is an avid long-distance cyclist and is planning to complete ultra-distance bicycle races after the pandemic. He is also an advocate for the use of bicycles as sustainable transport in cities and to improve health through increased levels of everyday exercise.

Gregory Lee

Greg is a second year medical student in the Graduate Entry Medicine Program at the Royal Collage of Surgeons in Ireland. Prior to attending RCSI, Greg graduated from Queens University in 2019 with a BSc in Kinesiology. Greg grew up playing many different sports including hockey, baseball, golf, indoor and beach volleyball. Greg was recruited to play for the Queens Men’s Varsity Volleyball team as a libero and currently plays for the RCSI Men’s Volleyball team. While attending Queens, Greg took to CrossFit as a form of exercise and has competed in multiple CrossFit opens since 2017. Most recently, Greg has taken to running and completed his first half marathon this past summer. Greg is looking forward to being involved in Medicine in Motion and hopes that he can use his experience to help encourage others to be physically active.

Kat Clinch

Kat is a second year Graduate Entry Medical Student at RCSI. She previously achieved a Bachelors in Russian, Spanish & Polish with an emphasis on translation at Trinity College Dublin, including a year in Russia’s Moscow State University. During her undergrad, she boxed for both Trinity and MSU and competed in the boys boxing league in Moscow, as well as being the only girl on her soccer team. At RCSI she is a surgical skills teacher and PR Officer with the RCSI Surgical Society and a proud LGBTQIA+ Advocate with Pride Soc. Kat has loved sports since a very young age and even started a girls rugby team at her local club when she was only seven – so she could compete with her brothers! Since starting medical school Kat has been a committed member of the RCSI Gymnastics team and taken up spinning. She loves weightlifting and HIIT workouts and recently became a Twerk After Work dance fitness instructor. She also loves sea swimming, running, rollerskating, climbing, hiking, playing tennis and tag rugby and even the occasional game of dodgeball! Kat got involved with Medicine in Motion because fitness and friendship have helped keep her going during the most stressful parts of her medical degree so far – she believes physical challenges are a great way to build self-confidence and celebrate our bodies and abilities, regardless of our fitness or health status.

Kate Haley

Kate is a second year medical student at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI). As a member of the varsity women’s rowing team at Columbia University, Kate cemented her passion for teamwork and exercise. Through her involvement with Bike & Build, she biked 4,000 miles across the US while building houses and raising funds for affordable housing with Habitat for Humanity. After graduating, she helped develop an adaptive rowing program for spinal cord injury patients on the Charles River in Boston, and later worked as a Sports Medicine Research Assistant for Hospital Special Surgery in New York. Kate completed the Pasadena Marathon in 2012, and the Dublin 79.3 Ironman in 2016 while obtaining a PhD in Molecular Biology. She has since qualified as a yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance, and hopes to continue to champion the merits of exercise for mental health through her involvement with Medicine in Motion.